An example of the photo frame clip (By Mell)

I decided to do a preview of the photo frame shot and edit it on the computer to make sure that it worked. We will be using a reall photo of the women with the kids however i had to improvise and draw it as i was in class. We will use a tripod to take the photo and to film the shots as we have to make sure that the camera and video camera are in the exact same position in both shots. 

Days set out to film (By Mell)

We have decided to meet up on the 22nd of February to do our filming. We are meeting at 8 or 9 am at Maidenbower park to film it. We decided to meet at this time in hope that it will be empty. We will then walk up to my house which is near the park and start our filming there. For the park we are going to use naturalistic lighting however for the kitchen scenes and my garden we will use artificial lighting to make sure that everything can be seen clearly. Things that we need to consider is weather changing so we have organized to meet on the 24th or 25th in case the 22nd is raining or too dark.

New Animatic (By Mell)

This is the new animatic with more shots however i couldnt put a soundtrack on as we are not allowed  but did find a suitable one.

Lighting (Mell)

Because most of our scenes will be shot in daylight and most of our scenes take place in the kitchen. Will aim to use natural light. However, we can not be sure if this will be enough light, so if this is the case we will use artificial lighting.

Risk Assessments (By Mell)

We need to think carefully when filming the two young boys that we have chosen because my garden has a small brick wall the could be dangerous when the boys are running around in the garden for one of our shots. To avoid any unwanted injury's we will make sure that their mom is with us to watch them. We will also make sure that all of the equipment is out of their way.

When using the knife we must be careful that the person doesn't cut themselves. We have decided to use my mom as she is used to cutting up vegetables and using sharp knifes.

List of roles (By Mell)

Storyboard- Mell
Prop Manager-Tally
Casting director- Mell
Director of filming- Tally
Editing-Tally and Mell

Animatic (By Mell)

I will be adding another Animatic soon because i added more shots the to story board and i wanted to add a soundtrack to it. Also this one is difficult to see so hopefully the next one that i have already finished should be better. I just need to try and find a suitable soundtrack for it.

Locations-Snapshots (Tally)

One location we have decided to use is the local park, which is Maidenbower Play Area. we have chosen this location because, it close to where me and Mell live so it easily accessible for both of us. We have emailed the local council, to ask whether permission is needed to film in this area and we are currently waiting to here back from them.

Another of our locations will be Mell's house, this will be used for the any scenes used in the garden or kitchen. We have chosen to film at her house because its easy to access because Mell lives there, and its convienient because we wont need any permission to film or anything.

The garden we are going to use will be Mell's this is because, its apart of her house. And just like when using the house as a location we wont need any permission to film there and its very easy to access. also it will make it easier when matching up the shots from the kitchen to the garden.