The Dark Knight (Tally)

The Dark Knight PosterCamera:
Establishing shot at the beginning sets the scene shows the audience the location of the characters. The match on action, of the window smashing. The camera zooms into the window and then as it smashes it changes to a medium shot of the other side of the window.
The camera restricts the audience view by only showing the body waist-down. This makes the audience ask questions about ‘who the figure is?’ etc…
Tracking shots/panning shots are used lots to follow the characters from behind.
Shallow depth of field, before the man is shot view of the man standing behind him with a gun. Also used when close ups of items in hostages hands.
Parallel sound in this scene is used, the sound of the guns being loaded and the glass smashing has been enhanced by sound effects of foleys. Dialogue throughout the scene - diegetic sound.
Mis En Scene:
The continuity of the masks and the fact they zoom into it tells the audience that there’s some kind of significance of it. They’re costume is them in dark/black clothing and minimal, don’t want to draw attention to themselves or stand out. This tells us that maybe the characters are up to no good.
Editing: the pace of the cuts are slower at first but then get faster and remain at a faster speed.
High key lighting, daylight and natural.

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