Enemy at the Gates (By Mell)

Enemy at the Gates PosterCamera work:
Shallow depth of field is used in the first shot looking between branches and focussing on an animal. I think this works well because it helps the audience understand where they should be looking.
A close up/extreme close up shot is used here to create confusion for the audience as you cannot tell what animal it is until a the slow pan finally meets with the animals eyes where the audience can just make out that it is a fox or wolf.
Mise en scene:
The colour in this opening scene has a blue tint to it. This works well because it represents coldness and death which fits into the scene as someone is about to shoot the wolf.
The props used in this scene was a gun, I think that this works well because you can immediately tell that something dangerous is about to happen however it makes the audience question why.
I think that the non Diagetic sound such as the soundtrack worked well with the pace of the scene because it was quiet and peaceful which also works because it was contrapuntal and the sudden sound of the gun breaks the peacefulness and shocks the audience.
*No Dialogue

There are very few cuts in this opening scene which seems to be a common thing in lots of Thrillers. I think this works well because it makes the pace slow and therefore keeps the audience interested in what is going to happen.


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