Pulp Fiction (Tally)

Pulp Fiction PosterCamera: There is very little camera movement in this scene, throughout it just shot/reverse shot, medium shots and close ups are used. The framing of the shots are positioned low down.
Diegetic - dialogue, normal conversation. Everything is normal there is nothing out of the ordinary.
When the gun is being slammed on the table to sound is emphasised this could have been used through Foleys.
Non - Diegetic - soundtrack, the music in the background is classical its quite calm and quiet.
Parallel sound is used, this is reflected by the body language of the guy which is laid back and casual.
Mis En Scene:
The setting gives us a good idea of their location because we can see by the booths that they’re sitting in an American diner.
Costume is used well because the open shirt gives the audience an idea of the characters personality, confident and relaxed because he’s comfortable sitting with his shirt open.
High key lighting is used in this scene its very natural and comes mainly from the windows, this gives the audience and idea on the time of day.

1 comment:

  1. The 3 Thrillers you have commented on so far are good Tally, well done. Some clips or screen grabs might improve it. You could also comment on which aspects of your research you would be interested to incorporate into your own thriller piece.
